Two families living and meeting with the church in Great Falls, Montana were led by the Lord in 1986 to move to Newport News, Virginia to begin meeting as the church in Newport News. After much prayer and fellowship with the believers in Great Falls, these two families moved to Newport News, arriving on December 13, 1986. Upon arriving, one of the families moved into the neighborhood of a Christian sister who had been praying for the Lord to send someone to help her in her Christian walk and her church life. She began to meet with them immediately. Soon after other members of her family also began to meet with the church.

Others have since begun to meet together in the oneness of God’s testimony here in Newport News. Some are relatives, friends, colleagues or neighbors. And while some have come to enjoy the church life here, because of various situations have moved to other localities where they continue to meet with the local church. At the same time believers from other localities have moved to Newport News to meet on the ground of oneness here in the local church.

As we meet from house to house, we are being blended together by God to be part of the one unique Body of Christ on earth today. Our races, cultures, and religious backgrounds may all be different, but we lose our distinctions by being in Christ. “Where there cannot be Greek and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free man, but Christ is all and in all” (Colossians 3:11).